A Money Hand Is Born"Southern Tent Revival" by Eugene White
The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due. So I want to tell you how the inspiration for the wildly popular "All Powerful Money Hand" changed my life and the lives of thousands of people around the world every day.
When I was an evangelist in the Assemblies of God on the Ohio District back in the 80s, I met an former COGIC minister named Apostle Bill Byrd. Bro. Byrd was a big 6'4 tall man with a love for good food and the Lord. I knew Brother Byrd as a dear friend and colleague. He was a religious relic from the tent revival faith healing days. At one time his ministry rode the wave of popularity and miracles followed him. But like A.A. Allen, and many other tent revival greats, Bro. Byrd's day had come and gone. He loved the tent ministry and he and I spent many wonderful, joy filled evenings tag team preaching in fields across Ohio and other states. "I heard the still small voice of Spirit speak "Draw a "All Powerful Money Hand" and I will show you how to charge and bless it. Give it away and it will bless millions, and you too will never be without money or anything you legitimately desire in life." Brother Byrd loved how the Gifts of the Holy Spirit moved through me; manifesting in the Word of Knowledge and Laying on of Hands. He also admired my forward adaptability. Even then I was honing my skills as a computer board systems operator on FidoNet. In the typical healing evangelist fashion, Bro. Byrd gave out printed copies of his "prayer hand". The prayer hand was a drawing of his left hand which he anointed with blessed Olive Oil. Then he prayed over the paper hand and asked God to bless the thousands of people that use the hand and made copies to share with others in need. He always urged me to follow suit in my ministry and do the same, but the practice never appealed to me. Over the years Brother Byrd and I kept in contact. We laughed and recall our many multi-day road trips, tent revivals, in his Blue's Brothers car equipped with big speaker on top! We would drive through the neighborhoods of many cities with me on the microphone saying "Come one, come all to the Holy Ghost tent revival with Apostle Bill Byrd and Apostle Kenneth Fuller", my Christian name. We had many wonderful adventures and high times in the Lord. Several years ago, It was my sad sorrow and soul's pain to learn of his death in his sleep. Bro. Byrd had been in ill health, but he never turned down an opportunity to preach a revival. He was in California as a guest evangelist doing what he loved, preaching a Holy Ghost revival. RIP "Chief Big Daddy Byrd." There are not many days that go by that I don't think of Bro. Bryd without fond memories. Sometimes, I actually speak aloud to him as if he were present with me. The Bible says "some plant the seeds, others water, but God gives the increase." A seed of faith was planted in my heart by Apostle Bill Byrd. He would constantly urge me "Bro., God told me He is going to bless you if you give people a prayer hand." Years later while enjoying some downtime in DC, I went into the Silence as we Rosicrucians are taught. I have read and studied the writings of the renown late Rosicrucian, AMORC Imperator, Spencer Lewis for years; and quickly mastered the esoteric technique of going into the Silence and returning with inspiration, and often times with pure genius in a matter of seconds or minutes.
Get My All Powerful Money HandAll Powerful Money Hand
It was there in the Silence I heard the still small voice of Spirit speak "Draw a "All Powerful Money Hand" and I will show you how to bless it. Give it away and it will bless millions. You will never be without money or anything you legitimately desire in life."
I followed the instructions and vision I was given in the Silence and the "All Powerful Money Hand"was born after many years of incubating in my spirit. As I drew the magical talisman, I felt Brother Byrd watching from an alternate dimension. I felt his inspiration and guiding spirit as I prayed in tongues, dressed the talisman with customized magical powders and oils. I prayed over the hand in the old Pentecostal manner of Southern Black preachers, and next I performed a secret esoteric ritual utilizing the Angelic Intelligences of Planets, and called the ashe of magical plants, minerals and spirits into the hand. At the close of the ceremony, the Cosmic Force of the Hand was released with the setting off of gun powder in the palm. In the palm of the hand are unrevealed, ancient, secret occult symbols that magnetize prosperity, wealth and money - indeed all things legitimately desired to this ALL POWERFUL MONEY HAND! You were praying for a miracle, a sure thing. You were looking for something to give you a hand. Here it is! The"All Powerful Money Hand" is FREE! Brother Byrd and I both follow the scriptural admonition, "freely ye have received, freely give." Thousands of people have downloaded the "Dr. Kioni's All Powerful Money Hand" and witnessed its power, many times - instantly! They write me with unsolicited testimonies about how this simple little mysterious magical paper talisman has changed their lives, and for many, given them a better quality of life for the very first time. I invite you to Download your FREE copy of the ALL POWERFUL MONEY HAND! Brother Byrd would bellow into the microphone when introducing me to the audience gather under his big tent, "This brother is blessed of the Lord and he has God's Power in his handsI" I feel his approval and blessing and know Brother Byrd is praying for you along with me. I look forward to hearing from you about your experience with the "All Powerful Money Hand." It has been a blessing to me, my family, close friends and thousands of people worldwide. Use if as often as you require and share it with a friend too. Let them download their own copy as an act of faith and desire to improve the quality of their lives. May God bless you real good! Rev., Dr. Apostle Christos Kioni September 10, 2011 |