Perpetual Ever Increasing Wealth Income & Prosperity Spell
A) 1 Large Eye in the Pyramid Candle
B) Personal and or business bank deposit slip(s)
C) Brand new 2 dollar bill – a regular bill of another denomination can be substituted ►Play money not allowed.
D) 1 pack of Magnetic Sand
E) 1 medium size Lodestone
F) Prosperity Oil
G) Alkanet Root
H) Blue Flag Root
I) Ground Cinnamon or Ginger
J) Money Drawing Sachet Powder
K) Wealthy Way Incense
Begin this ritual on the New Moon and complete on the Full Moon. Load candle with your personal concerns by making a small cavity in the bottom. Add your hair, a drop or two of the oils and a pinch of the roots and herbs. Seal the cavity with wax.
Fill out deposit slip(s) for the maximum amount of money, sign and date with the present date. For example: most deposit slips have enough spaces for a deposit of $999, 999.99. Remember this is a ritual for perpetual streams of ever-increasing income, prosperity and wealth. Do not jinx yourself by saying it isn’t possible or worry how it is going to manifest. Know that you are making a deposit into the Universal Bank of Eternal Supply.
Write the success sigil ($$¢¢$$) on the four corners of the paper money and sign your name under the Secretary of the Treasure. Finally, dress the money with Money Drawing Sachet Powder.
Secure the money and deposit slip(s) around the base of the Eye in the Pyramid Candle with sewing needles or straight pins. The night before the ritual, soak your lodestone in some whiskey. The next morning, dress it with a small amount of the Money Drawing or Prosperity Oil and either a drop of your blood or spit. You can place s few strands of your hair under the lodestone too. Place lodestone at the base of the candle against the deposit slip and money. Sprinkle the Blue Flag Root, Alkanet Root, Cinnamon or Ginger and Sachet powder around the base of the candle.
When you are ready to begin the ritual, light a small portion of the incense and the candle. Sprinkle some of the Magnetic Sand on the Lodestone and announce your petition. “I AM a magnet to money and money loves me. I AM a magnet to money and money stays with me. Perpetual wealth, prosperity and overflowing abundance are now mine. Ever-increasing streams of income and profitable opportunities overtake me from behind, from before, from the north, south east and west, above and below! All I want, I can afford and all I can afford I want!” Of course the cadence and exact wording should flow naturally to you so don’t get caught up trying to say it like I said it.
Allow candle to burn for about half an hour and pinch out. If your schedule allows, repeat this ritual three times a day. The repetition will help you to magnetize yourself to your desire and to increase the volume of energy that is being sent into the Universal Substance. The last day of this ritual is done on the Full Moon. Allow the candle to burn all the way down. Your deposit slip, paper money and lodestone will probably get encased in the melted wax from the candle. If not, don’t worry about it.
The best way to end this ritual is to bury the wax encased deposit slip(s), paper money and lodestone on the property of your bank. Of course this can be risky and may cause suspicion. So, if burying the ritual remains on the banks property isn’t a good idea, get a handful of dirt from around your bank and bury the ritual remains on your property by your front door or in a flower pot along with a plant.
(c) 1998 - 2011 All Rights Reserved Worldwide, Dr. Christos Kioni. Ph.D., F.R.C.
Permission is granted to copy and share this ritual as long as header information containing copyright and trademark is included and the contents of this ritual are not altered.