Been working in munanso today. Gets dirty in there. Palo is dirty. Laid granite tile in front of nganga on top of dirt floor of ngnaga. Easier for drawing firmas, safer for lighting fula and less dirt. Restocked several cases of white and Seven African Power glass candles. Opened another case of Florida Water and restocked other spiritual waters. There are book cases of hoodoo conjure oils, powders and potions, u name it. Move and rearranged chest of drawers filled with herbs, roots, chickens feet, snake skins, and other hoodoo rootwork & conjure amulets and mojos. Reorganized my Palo manual containing hundreds of spells, palo uses, firmas and protocols. Restocked the mini fridge with refreshments. It is also used for freezer spells hahaha! Next is the boveda. But enough for today. Have had a nice soak in epsom salts with Lavender essential oil. MariRuth prepared a nice healthy snack for me and I am now chillaxing! Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone! Love you!
January 2025