![]() There is always spiritual activity going on around you. Evil doesn't sleep. Today I took Lucero out of the temple to work with him under the palm trees. A lot of fula would be used in this work to deflect and return juju aimed at a client from multiple sources. Setting the iron prenda of the Nkisi over his firma drawn with cascarilla on black tile, I summoned him with a mambo. Spraying hot rum over the feather covered Nkisi of Light I lit the fula with the glowing end of a cigar. Sparks of fire raced across the signature of Lucero with the smoke billowing in the wind to meet force with FORCE half way around the world! I commanded the forces of evil to halt and turn back! I spoke to the four corners of the Universe and set guardians between dimensions, other worlds, the past, present and future. "No juju formed against ... shall prosper" I spoke with authority. This work turned back serious witchcraft and also disabled the witches weapons of warfare. You can't accomplish victory fighting the individual. The person bent on destroying you is being used by a spirit to harm you or that person is directing spirits against you. Either way you are fighting against supernatural forces that can kill you or make life a living hell for you. The sacred texts say "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God"; and "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." In the art of war, a wise general will target the enemies weapons. To achieve this in conjure you require a specialized knowledge and the command of magical beings and the use of spiritual paraphernalia not available to the public nor novices. This is the work I do and I AM the Greatest at doing it! Some things are not solved with prayer and fasting nor simple spiritual baths, a mojo bag and setting lights. Force must be met with FORCE and the strike must be crippling to the the person that attacks you. You can not be lady hearted in war nor expect an enemy to be fair. The best way to achieve this is to call for Justice and return the enemies work multiplied to infinity. If you are innocent of the witchcraft attack on you, Justice is on your side. Work the Law of Cause and Effect against the enemy by reversing their work. State that their intentions will be set against them, that all they planned for you is now planned for them exponentially. Command the spirits they sent to now obey you. Hint: Spirits are vain and you can bride them. Remember, "no weapons formed against you shall prosper". In some miraculous way, God will turn the same weapons and devices aimed at you back onto the people targeting you! Keep walking in the Light because your victory is NOW!
![]() Crack candle with Face of a spirit Its Friday and for most Americans with 9 to 5 jobs are headed home for the weekend. Guys will gather in the man caves for football, beer and cheerleaders while mom's will frantically try to catch up on house work, the kids and a hundred other things inhumanly possible to complete over a weekend. But for me, there is always juju to do. Yesterday while blessing a five day candle I was brought out of the prayer trance by a loud crack. I had just lit the candle and was praying the Psalms for about twenty seconds when the glass rim cracked. I opened my eyes startled to see a quarter size black sooty spot superimposed over the hairline crack in the glass. The image in the soot looks like a muerto (spirit) or nfuiri (demon). Earlier on the same morning MariRuth told me she found a dead snake beneath the family room window. In conjure omens are observed and interpreted as either good or bad. Usually when snakes appear they say a hidden enemy is around or someone has conjure witchcraft on you. I don't fear these ominous omens because when snakes have appeared in my yard they are already DEAD! The dead snakes are also a sign the witch that the snake represents is defeated and my spiritual protection has already neutralized the arrows of the witch. I know the war is won before the battle has begun and that's why I am the Greatest of All Time! These two omens: the cracked rim on the glass candle and the dead snake caused the proverbial "red alert" sign to start flashing in my mind. I calmly divined with the cards to determine the source of the hit, the intention of the hit and the target of the hit. The cards revealed that someone I provide magical protection for was under attack. This revelation was not new and indeed was a confirmation of what nfumbe said two weeks ago. It was one of those days when nfumbe replied "no todo bien" or "all is not well" to my daily inquiry. My witchcraft early warning system accurately predicted the intentions of someone attempting to meddle in business that doesn't concern them. I had already done preventive strike spell work as a result and was waiting for the energy of the work this witch did to register via omens and signs. Sure enough my client got the worse case of flu ever, another sign. However, my ase channeled the life threatening hit away from the client like a lightening rod on a high building that grounds and diflects the electrified bolt into the earth without physical damage to the building. Yes the client got a nasty cold but considering the aggressive nature of the African juju the witch conjured, the damage could have been worse. I too was in the cross-hairs of this hit because the witch knows someone is protecting this person. Sometimes when a spiritual practitioner has a hit to bounce off of them, its not because the practitioner is the primary target. Its because someone has deemed you a threat and must eliminate you before they can destroy the primary target that you are protecting and defending. Holding that glass candle in my hand I felt the energy of the hit as it bounced off my protection and cracked the glass. I inquired of nfumbe later to confirm what the tarot cards showed me. The familiar spoke "Thatcwitchcraft is already dead"; and then he instructed me about additional measures to take as a response to the deadly witchcraft attack. Last night as I pressed my head to the down filled pillow cradling it, I laughed out loud and sang "ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!" and then I closed my eyes and strutted on down the yellow brick road. ![]() I am blessed to have been chosen to walk this path. As usual I spend time with the mpungo at the nganga in the temple and inquire about the state of security around me and about the status of my client's work. Today nfumbe alerted me to an imbalance of negative energy threatening a client. That was easy to fix. Then I inquired about driving a firma to help a client secure immediate project work. A few more tosses of the chamalongos and a trabajo - remedy was given with Lucero Mundo. I drew the firma on a large black with cascarilla, laid out 21 loads of fula on the serpentine arrow of the firma and sang a mambo to Lucero Mayombe. As I touched the end of a glowing cigar to the fula, the hot ashe of this powerful nkisi rushed forth into the client's name paper with the exploding fula. All should be well now nfumbe confirmed. Earlier today I talked with a client that keeps making bad choices with men. This guy put witchcraft on her after she broke up with him. He threatened her life and to do harm to her young child. I was not lady like with my advice but also understood she has been suffering from a delusional spell. Delusion is a part of all spell work regardless of the outcome. If you are working on a person the spell must capture their senses. In the case of this client she has been unable to make right decisions and choices. Her reason for becoming intimate with the man is because she was interested in having sex with him. Now my client is no young bird straight outta big momma's house. She is a grown woman with a grown child and another child just starting elementary school. Let me say I am not a moralist but I am a pragmatist and I call it as I see it. I thought the man was making a seven figure salary and that's why she was eager to jungle boogie, but that is not her story. This woman admitted she and the man were intimate within one month of meeting. Then she admitted to loaning him over a thousand dollars! I was like or you daff? You have kids and re$onsibilities, he should be giving you a thousand dollars! It was with my conjure coaching that she got her money back. However now that she is afraid of him and the guy freaked out on her she has called it quits. Thank God finally!!!! Of course yall know me...I asked her was the dick worth the problem this one month fling caused and her response was "NO! It was a shame...he had a big dick but he couldn't keep it up!" I instructed the client on the care of her Ori - head so that she can regain her mind and know her true destiny by obtaining guidance from her Higher Self also known as Ori in the West African Diaspora of IFA. She has a long way to go and part of this work will be her learning how to take control of her thoughts, how to recognize errant thought energy projected by others with the intention to change her path and destiny. I am praying fervently for her. Teaching the Law of Financial Circulation with Powerful Affirmation and Demonstration of Hot Ase!11/9/2012 ![]() All Powerful Pro$perity Incense Recipe (c) 2012 Dr. Christos Kioni, All Rights Reserved. Combine money drawing incense, Earth Smoke, Star Anise and Alkanet Root, garnish liberally with 24k gold flakes. Empty ash on the ground beside the walkway leading to your front door, thus paving your path with gold. Turn the soil slightly so that the 24k gold flakes aren't blown away. This is my personal favorite and really works as you literally bury gold at your doorstep!!! Please include copyright if you post the recipe. (c) 2012 Dr. Christos Kioni, Worldwide Rights Reserved. ![]() I didn't recognize the number flashing on my iPhone last evening but was compelled to answer. I instantly recognized the voice on the other end of the call. It is a client for whom I did work to break a Vodou curse from over her life. She had been in trouble with the law, lost her job and her career track was hijacked by dark, insidious forces sent by her nemesis the "other woman". Seven months ago I met this client and was moved in my heart by her plight. A colleague and I consulted together over her case and devised a strategy to dismantle and block the dangerous witchcraft wound around her life like a hungry boa constrictor. This client's life had so much confusion in it and she was on the verge of a nervous break down. Tensions in her home were at the boiling point and violence had already boiled over like hot molten lava escaping the submerged, steaming vents in the soul. Sarabanda, the Nkisi of iron spoke to her work. Over the course of several weeks I crafted a powerful protection makutu for her and an additional amulet made with a railroad spike, the spirit of the iron fed a rooster and powerful bilongos (medicine) were wrapped in red cloth around the rusty blood soaked spikes. The iron makutu would bring peace in the home, silence the violence and allow the client to begin anew with her children. I had not heard from the client in several months but my nfumbe would on occasions speak her name. When the nfumbe speaks about someone to me I always ask why. He instructed me to update her work. Sometimes the instructions were simple such as "burn a white candle for her on the firma of Sarabanda", or "Give Lucero hot rum and fresh coconut". I had not heard from her and released her to God knowing I had done all Spirit instructed me to do. So, it wasn't a surprise when I heard her voice in my ear. She told me that during the time of silence and her absence, things had turned out exactly as I predicted. The relationship is ended, her spouse is agreeable and as gentle as a lamb. The relative that caused this mess using Vodou is neutralized and no longer interfering. Also, the client's issue with the law is turning around in a positive way. She was happy but in her own way demanding as ever. A skeptic and frantic young mother she was when she came to me. According to her testimony, she had gone to many spiritual practitioners & spent thousands of dollars without satisfactory results. She doubted openly whether or not I too would fall into the same category. But now here she was on the phone asking me to take care of another problem. She spoke of seeing the muerto and nkisi around her and wondered out loud if she was hallucinating LOL! I explained that the apparitions are normal and because she is spiritually open, her inner sight is showing her the proof of how powerful and effective Palo Mayombe is. People often think of Palo Mayombe as black magic and it is by origin because it is the spiritual practice of black people having originated in the Congo of Africa. However, it is not evil magic because it is called black nor is Vodou. Here is a demonstration of the right use of conjure to bring balance, peace and course correction to an otherwise potentially fatal home environment and life altering circumstances. No one was physically harmed and no curses were uttered or sent. The nkisi defeated and blocked the witchcraft, they made an enraged and disagreeable man calm down. In addition, they worked within the judicial system to sweeten & abbreviate a very messy legal matter in favor of the client. I remember telling the client a thousand times to just take her Bach Rescue Remedy daily and think pleasant thoughts, remembering that energy follows thought. "Keep the faith baby" I often exhort in the manner of the late Adam Clayton Powell. For this reason . . . I am not moved by appearances nor a client's anxiety, fear or unbelief, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. All Praise belongs to God because she returned to testify what a Mighty God we serve! in this work people come and go and fewer return to say thanks and to testify. Luke 17: 15-19 reveal that even Jesus, the greatest spiritual practitioner of all times was used and taken for granted during his ministry. But also illustrates that in the life of the one who returned to say thanks, the Ase of the Son of God was manifest and wholeness was the result. "One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” KJB *Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., (November 29, 1908 – April 4, 1972) was an American politician and pastor who represented Harlem, New York City, in the United States House of Representatives (1945–71). He was the first person in New York of African-American descent elected to Congress, and became a powerful national politician. ![]() Indian River Lagoon. Merritt Island, FL ts been a fruitful day. Reflecting on my visit to Mama Chola (Indian River Lagoon) between consultations this morning to give the client's pumpkin from last Sunday's trabajo to Chola. It was a beautiful Florida Fall morning today, perfect for a drive along the river and across the Causeway to a remote spot. There i held the love work inside the pumpkin in my palms out stretched toward the calm still waters of Mama Chola. A large Falcon flew high overhead against the clear blue sky and gave me a feeling the work accepted. I tossed the orange gourd into the waters where it will decompose naturally. I was also happy with the knowledge that nothing artificial was used in the spell that could harm our pristine environment. I love his about Palo Mayombe, its roots are of the Earth but the powerful ase is Divine. Yes yes ... It was a stunning moment for the soul. To feel Mama Chola's energy as I stood on the seaweed covered river bank where we bathed this same client once before in the nearby brush of high grass, Palmetto bushes etc.. It was a sacred moment, rapture and transcendental. The client is every bit Mama Chola 's daughter in Palo Mayombe and Pomba Gira's daughter in Kimbanda. Her petitions are already answered. I KNOW this! ![]() Its been an exhausting, exhilarating weekend. I picked up our client from the airport Friday evening and we watched movies and talked until the wee hours of Saturday morning. Neither of us were ready to begin the work she came for and we were respectively tired from our individual activities of the day. MariRuth and I were happy to see her because we have been friends for several years and have walked through many storms, battles and victories together. Saturday was another story as we tackled the client's issues one by one inside Munanso Lucero Aprueba-Fuerza Congo Brama con Brama, Yahweh. The Mother Temple of the Spiritualist Church of African Traditions, Yahweh, Worldwide, INTL. INC., which is a Full Gospel Spiritualist Church. I began the morning with prayer and meditation to Oludamare, the Orisa, Nsambi and the Nkisi in the All Powerful Name of Jesus. I asked for guidance, strength and insight in order to remediate the client's condition and issues. We sang mambos, danced in the Spirit and waited patiently for the anointing that gives licensia to proceed. After inquiring of the nfumbe (familiar) on the nganga, permission was given by Lucero and the fula (gunpowder) on the Open Roads firma was ignited to signal the mpungo it was show time. The first order of business dealt with exposing a malevolent nfuiri or evil spirit that was attached to the client. I had seen the spirit's presence on the client through the mpaka vititi a few weeks ago. The nfuiri was sent by witches determined to obstruct the client's progress in her personal life by the means of sickness or transmission of a terminal disease. We had been able to block the spirit's objective through San Lazaro, Centella Ndoki and Cobayende along with several trabajos. However the client was instructed she was required to complete the work before the nganga in order to be certain all is well. ![]() Presence of a pipe smoking muerto exposed Passing a white plate over the client's body and using a secret technique known to Tata Naganga's in Palo, the nfuiri's presence was exposed on the plate like an x-ray negative similar to the photo on the left. A general cleansing was done on the client with cigar smoke and other means. The cleansing helped to loosen the grip of the nfuiri and it was exorcise by a trabajo requiring the client to stand over a specific firma on which several loads of fula (gun powder) were ignited. The demonic disease bearing spirit was driven by force into the netherworld of darkness via the nganga where it is now bound in chains awaiting Judgement Day. Success was confirmed from nfumbe by casting the chamalongos and our hearts were filled with joy! The next phase of the work required the client to bath with 9 powerful fresh herbs belonging to three Nkisi that spoke to the work. The old clothes worn by the client were cut away from her body to be disposed of in the graveyard. She was then wrapped in a white toga to symbolize a new beginning. There was more work to follow that included sacrifices to defeat the witchcraft and return to sender but the details of that work can not be shared. Additional divination with nfumbe instructed me to seal the client with a trabajo to prevent this class of demon from attaching itself to her in the future. This is in accordance with the scriptures because we know in the Bible, Jesus warned that driving out demons is not enough to achieve long-term healing. In Luke 11:24-26, Jesus pointed out that, once a demon has been driven out, it can return in a more powerful manner, making the condition for the person worse than before the demon left. Once God has healed "demons," people need to take measures to maintain the healing, such as the crack-head being wary of taking another hit after kicking the habit. Saturday night we dined here at my home, talked and watched movies. MariRuth was happy to have another female around and they laughed and talked girl talk, trading hair care secrets, celebrity gossip and of course about how wonderful I AM LOL! I was too tired to hang for long and excused myself to go inspect the back of my eyelids for sleep compliance. Sunday was the client's last day here and we ended it on a light note doing work with Chola Wengue for her husband and their future. I dashed to the store and purchased a pumpkin. Spirit told me a few weeks back to buy a pumpkin for the client's visit but I ignored the admonition, thankfully there were a few pumpkins leftover from Halloween. That simple spell requires the toes of a rooster, an egg, cinnamon, honey and other magical charges to be placed in the hollowed out pumpkin. The client spit five times inside of the orange gourd and spoke a Kikango incantation over it in the name of the target. The work was then placed before Chola on the nganga where it will remain for five days and then the pumpkin will be taken to the river with a derecho (payment). No Palo work is considered successful nor complete until nfumbe answers "todo bien" to the inquiry is all well? We rejoiced when the confirmation was given and I left the client to sit with before the nganga with the mpungo so that she could say thank you and reiterate her specific desires. Later in the evening as we said our sad goodbyes, we marveled at the glow of her aura. Her energy has completely shifted and she looked like an angel descended from heaven. The Holy Spirit's unction rose in me and I admonised her by the scriptures in John 5:14 that says . . . Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, "See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.'' Ase ooooo Nsala Malecum All Praise belongs to God! I have been weeping a lot this morning preparing for the work with this client. I feel the presence of the ancestors and the nkisi so strongly. I have been to the mountain top. I am grateful to Divine Providence for gifting me in this manner. I walk in Spirit and Spirit walks in me.
I refuse 99.99% of case work brought to me. People want to tear others families apart or create chaos because of jealousy, greed and envy. I want no part of that. Many come to me like Simon the sorcerer offering money, sex and favors for this power. My response like the Apostle Peter is "God is not with you nor is your heart prepared to receive this Divine treasure. Away with you! The Gifts of God cannot be bought." What I was I am no longer. Thank God for the Grace to rise above self. I belong to God not you. I have made many mistakes because of ego, lust, pride and vanity. I am human. However it is a choice to let go and let God. I can't run from His Calling no more than the sun can refuse to shine. I AM Chosen, trust me I did not choose this path. You won't ever hear me revile nor judge other spiritual workers because of their humanity. The closer one walks with God, the harder you are fought by those that walk absent of Light. The greater the Calling on one's life, the more pronounced the protest of the flesh. We want to be like everyone else, do what we want, screw who we want and invite all the vices of the flesh to party with our body. However if you are a praying individual and love God, at the end of the day God must have Her way. |
January 2025