It is not usually my style to respond to public criticism, or allegations about me. However there are times when one must address gossip, slander and libel attacking one’s character. I have been a minister and spiritual practitioner for 48 years. It is an honor to minister to thousands of individuals worldwide, including personally praying with former President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky affair. I am honored to be mentored by world leaders in Ifa and Haitian Voodoo. Many books about African American Herbal Magic cite me as a reference. I was also profiled in Christine Wicker’s Not In Kansas Anymore. In addition, I have been a Subject Matter Expert to the Travel Channel's Dead Files, and filmed by National Geographic for inclusion as a cast member in a proposed reality show. You may not know my name, but thousands of individuals on every continent of the world do.
In the past several years, rumors have abounded about my character and spiritual practice. Post on blogs, in social media groups and mass mailings to family, friends and acquaintances alleging misdeeds have proliferated in an attempt to discredit my ministry. I have been open and honest about the missteps I’ve taken in the past. When thousands of petitions were levied against me about the “burning rooster”, I owned the action and provided an explanation. Although that action saved someone from death, I regret going to that extreme. At the time, death was imminent for the client, and my nfumbe (familiar) stated this was the right thing to do. To the uninitiated in Haitian Palo, and other African Traditional Religions, my actions were barbaric. But I ask, is the inhumane slaughter of chickens, cows and pigs for human consumption holy? At least in my spiritual tradition, as in Judaism, the sacrifice was preceded by prayers and other ceremonial rites. After a thorough investigation by the authorities, no charges were levied against me because the Constitution of the United States protects everyone’s religious freedom, no matter who disagrees with one’s specific mode of worship. In subsequent years, it has been alleged my ex wife and our offspring are mystic killers. It is also alleged that Cat Yronwode and the psychic who lied are ritualist bent on subverting innocent souls into occult practices. These lies are being perpetuated by a disgruntled former client. A CD recording of multiple psychic readings was included to add weight and authority to the allegations. After listening to the recordings, it is clear the psychic reading was fabricated to fit the client’s psychosis. I reached out to Cat, Ms. Letter and the client to arbitrate this issue without success. Some client’s attempt to guide the psychic reading according to their phobias about others. I've encountered this before and find the practice distasteful. A skilled reader will recognize this and shut it down. The reader on the recording did not. Instead, she fabricated lie after lie to satiate her client who was seeking validation. I have nothing to hide. I have always been honest with my clients. If a client’s request does not harmonize with my ethics, I tell them and refuse to render assistance. I always attempt to find a solution that is in harmony with the Holy Spirit in me. In the case of this disgruntled client, she initially accepted the solution offered. However, she waited five years after retaining my services to start a campaign to publicly smear my reputation. She has never reached out to me one on one to discuss her complaints. I have an email from her received during the intake of her case in 2013. In the email she listed several names of individuals on her job she wanted to discredit and destroy. She also stated that another spiritual worker she retained destroyed her life and the lives of her family members. I suggested instead to do protection work to which she reluctantly agreed. It is obvious this lady is unhinged mentally and spiritually. She professes Christianity and yet calls for curses on me and my family. This is her modus operandi and the email is legal precedence of her nefarious intentions. My purpose for this public missive is to provide a retort to the allegation. I have not harmed this woman or her family. Anyone that knows me intimately will tell you that is not my character. I do not recruit anyone to follow me. I refrained from initiating anyone in Palo Mayombe because I cannot trust other's intentions. I am the Founder and Bishop of the Spiritualist Church of African Traditions Yahweh Worldwide Intl. Inc. (SCATY). SCATY is an online congregation of Christian Mystics and Spiritual Practitioners of African Traditional Religions. We have a closed Facebook Group and a website for our members. We are a Church without borders or walls. We believe in Yahweh, Almighty God and in his messenger Jesus the Christ. We also embrace various facets of other systems of spirituality according to the individual leading of the Holy Spirit. There is a war going on in the heavens, and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. We are aware this spiritual wickedness in high places possess individuals in order to wage war against God’s chosen. In closing, there have been times I have come up out of myself and spoken in anger. Those words were twisted to infer that I seek justice by witchcraft. Nothing is further from the truth. I like any parent and spouse am protective of my love ones. In the early years of my practice, I was hot headed and heavy handed like many spiritual practitioners, but I’ve long matured from childish ways. I am filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The conviction of God's Spirit has imminent domain over my heart, mind and soul. The Bible says “Be angry, but sin not.” I live my life by this scripture and the Golden Rule. My hands are clean of any wrong doing and my heart is clear. Do not believe the lies for Satan is on the prowl seeking souls he can deceive and devour. Bishop, Rev. Dr. Christos Kioni November 29, 2018
January 2025