Have you ever wondered who benefits from putting God in a bad light? By bad light I mean the teaching that God is angry and views his creation of man as flawed and imperfect. How can we believe the teachings that tell us God is Love when we are also told that God views us as sinners and God hates sinners? Who benefits from this distortion? I submit that the beneficiaries are organized religion and the ruler of this world known as Lucifer. What Actually Happened In The Garden of Eden? In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were told not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Up until then Adam and Eve were only aware of their Divine Nature. Imperfection, hate and the lack of love did not exist in their awareness. God had already given the awareness of good and evil to Lucifer the Morning Star with disastrous results. Lucifer being aware of this dichotomy within himself assumed the form of a talking serpent ( the ego) in the Garden of Eden (Heaven within) and polluted the mind of the female with a lie. The female, Eve represents our creative nature and our power of choice. The man, Adam also represents our reproductive nature. Additionally I feel Adam represents the watchman of the soul. He was already forewarned by God to beware of the dichotomy of Good and Evil. It was Adam's job to instruct Eve and be ever vigilant against falsehood. Combined we see the profile of ego, spirit and delusion which is present in the human personality. “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Gen. 3 Why You Don't Feel Good Enough? When Lucifer the arch angel was formed he was more beautiful than all other angels. Being created with the knowledge of both good and evil he reveled in his beauty and desired worship over God his creator. Lucifer represents the ego in this narrative. Ego likes to usurp the I AM Presence and demands constant attention. It is horrible at giving advice and often leads astray through the senses and other influences. God cast Lucifer and his worshipers out of heaven. The story says God cast the fallen angel down to earth and he was give permission to rule its inhabitants. Knowing that humankind is one of God’s crowning creations caused jealousy to form in the heart of Lucifer. Lucifer is the father of hate and has spawned many haters with the evil eye. Lucifer wanted God to look at him with the same love God looked upon humanity with. Instead, God banished him from Heaven, so Lucifer decided to get back at God by turning his creation against Him. Lucifer saw his opportunity to turn God’s beloved sons and daughters against the Heavenly Father by planting a lie against God. “Hath God said” he asked? Lucifer made God into the bad guy by inferring he was denying something good to the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden. He questioned the Mind of Spirit. As we know Eve ignored God’s instructions as given to Adam and did as her ego bided her. As a result for not listening to the Spirit I AM, she and Adam became aware of the illusions of lack, sickness, disease and death. Organize religion has gone to great lengths to prove that humankind is fallen and unloved by God. The intention behind this insidious strategy is to cause humankind to forever lose sight of the love of our Creator. To cause you to turn to the priests and preachers to earn salvation or to devise your own spirituality. This has been the gospel according to organized religion since time immortal. Again I ask who benefits from this distortion? The Truth Revealed - YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD! What i would like to propose is that this story is largely allegorical and hides the hidden truths about our Divine Being. If you are made to believe that God doesn’t love you and that you are bad in God’s eyes, then why try to please God? In fact, this teaching is so ingrained in most Christians they cannot divorce themselves from the falsehood that they are sinners in the hands of an angry God. This is exactly the mindset organized religion requires to perpetuate itself. People have been trying to earn their way out of hell and purgatory ever since. Nothing can be further from the truth. You were created in the Image of Almighty God, whatever form He or She felt convenient to assume in your person. You were created and formed in divine love as was Adam and Eve. But being subject to the spirit of this world (Lucifer) - your awareness was hijacked. You were made to either disbelieve in God or to question God’s good plan for your life. You were brainwashed into believing you are not good enough. You were set on a course determined by the spirit of this world vis a vie your ego to live a life without God because God is an angry God. Like many, you struggle with self love and desire to be validated and affirmed. This was Lucifer’s dilemma and psychologically it is the ego seeking attention. The ego is brutal. It seeks attention but no matter how much attention it receives, it is never enough. It seeks to detract from the Divine Awareness of who you really are. You are not good enough ego says. God is not happy with you ego says. God will never be happy with you. The condemnation is relentless and assumes a different form in our lives everyday. However in a moment of clarity the Apostle Paul dictated: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who possess the Christed Awareness.” The truth of your Divine Being will always prevail over the lies of ego and the spirit of this world. You are loved by God! Take back your life today and begin living as the Divine Being you are. Know you are created in the exact Image of the Creator and your creation was an act of Love with your genesis in the heart of God. Realize that low self esteem and the yearning for love and attention is a projection by the spirit of this world. Stop siding with Lucifer in his quest to earn his Creator’s love and admiration. YOU ALREADY HAVE GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and SHE LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY! Realize you have been bamboozled and hoodwinked by the Angel of Light. Misery loves company they say and Lucifer is seeing to it that your mind torments you day and night with low self esteem, loneliness and the lack of love. Thats his issue not yours. Know yourself or someone else will tell you who you are. You are no longer subject to receive the transmission of Lucifer and the ego. You have permission to turn it off by tuning into the Divine Frequency within you. Heaven is within the Master said. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will open to you. Ask and it shall be given. A new life awaits you the moment you accept the Christ Awareness. This awareness will dethrone the spirit of this world that has hypnotized you to the truth of your being. God is love. Organized religion and the spirit of this world would have you believe otherwise. Ask yourself why? ©2017 Rev. Dr. Christos Kioni
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January 2025